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In the garden 

​For the breath of life is in the sunlight and the hand of life is in the wind
~ Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet 



This beautiful prose aptly describes the times we live in. Life is transient and dreamlike. One does not necessarily notice the healing power of nature amidst the bustle of life. But I found my awareness of her amplified during the pandemic. Nature teaches us about life - there is death, renewal and birth. Tiny plants flourish even in the thickest of concrete jungles. 


My work attempts to find equilibrium between states of calm and chaos. Nebulous forms oscillating between the material world and landscapes within the mind. Jostling with primal fears and peaceful inner sanctums. Perhaps this is a struggle we all face, even post-pandemic. ​


I am very grateful to Marjorie Chu of Art Forum Singapore for her year-long mentorship that had culminated in Nascence - my very first solo show in her esteemed gallery in February 2022. Nascence embraces all of life's imperfections and celebrates it. I'm also thankful for Marjorie's continued guidance as I pursue my practice​ as an artist.

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